Kim Potowski
Professor of Spanish Linguistics
About Kim Potowski
Dr. Kim Potowski is Professor of Spanish linguistics at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her research focuses on Spanish in the United States: Who uses it, with whom, and for what purposes? What changes is it undergoing? How does it connect to identity and to promoting social justice? She directed her campus’ Spanish Heritage Language Program for 18 years and is the founding director of its summer study abroad program in Oaxaca, Mexico, where she spent a year as a Fulbright scholar. Her advocacy for the value of education in two languages for all U.S. children was the focus of her 2013 TEDx talk “No child left monolingual.” She has authored and edited over 12 books including:
Spanish in Chicago
El español de los Estados Unidos
Heritage language teaching: Research and practice
Language and identity in a dual immersion school
and Conversaciones escritas
Since 2009 she has served as Editor of the journal Spanish in Context.
View Dr. Kim Potowski’s CV
The Olaf Messenger
Univisión: Sobre Fulbright en Oaxaca
Another Hot Take on the Term ‘Latinx’